Part 4: Luminosity of a star#

Intrinsic energy radiated per second#

Luminosity is an intrinsic value which does not depend upon distance. It is a measure of the total energy radiated by a star at a given wavelength per second. The total energy radiated at all wavelengths is called bolometric luminosity.

If you know the distance to a star, and how bright it appears be (magnitude), you can calculate its luminosity.

Luminosity of Tau Cygni#

As an illustration, according to SIMBAD, the star Tau Cygni has a parallax value of \(0.04916\) arcseconds, which corresponds to a distance of \(D=1/0.04916=20.34\) parsecs, and has an apparent magnitude flux of \(3.730\) measured through a V filter (visual).

Luminosity and absolute magnitude are related as follows:

Equation 1: \(M=-2.5\log_{10}(\frac{L}{L_0})\)

where \(M\) is the absolute magnitude, \(L\) is luminosity, and \(L_0\) is the zero point luminosity recommended by the International Astronomical Union. It is the luminosity at which a detector reads 1 photon count per second at 10 parsecs: \(L_0=3.0128\cdot 10^{28}\; W\)

Absolute magnitude can be calculated from distance and apparent magnitude as follows:

Equation 2: \(m=M-5+5\log_{10}(D)\)


Plugging \(M=2.19\) into the first equation, we get the following luminosity:

\(2.19=-2.5\log_{10}\left(\frac{L}{3.0128\cdot 10^{28}}\right)\)
\(\frac{2.19}{-2.5}=\log_{10}\left(\frac{L}{3.0128\cdot 10^{28}}\right)\)
\(10^{\frac{2.19}{-2.5}}=\frac{L}{3.0128\cdot 10^{28}}\)

\(L=10^{\frac{2.19}{-2.5}}\cdot 3.0128\cdot 10^{28}\)
\(L=4.01\cdot 10^{27}\; W\)

Comparing this to the luminosity of the Sun, Tau Cygni produces approximately 10.5 times the energy per second as the Sun.

\(\frac{L}{L_s}=\frac{4.01\cdot 10^{27}}{3.828\cdot 10^{26}}=10.47\)

It is also possible to combine both equations: