Part 6: Determining Main Sequence star properties from scratch#

Assuming a main sequence star (the rules change for white dwarf, giants, and supergiants), we will use only three pieces of empirical information to calculate the following stellar properties: distance, color, intrinsic brightness, temperature, stellar class, radius, and mass.

Observed information#

Magnitude through B-filter (Johnson): \(m_B=8.41\)
Magnitude through V-filter (Johnson): \(m_V=7.69\)
Parallax: \(\pi=0.0181242''\)

Calculate distance#


Calculate color index#


Calculate the absolute magnitude#

\(M_V=m_V-5\times \log \left(\frac{d}{10}\right)\)
\(M_V=4.81-5\times \log \left(\frac{55.17}{10}\right)\)

Calculate effective temperature#


Lookup spectral class#

Spectral Class Intrinsic Color Temperature (K) Prominent Absorption Lines
O Blue 30,000-60,000 He+, O++, N++, Si++, He, H
B Blue 10,000-30,000 He, H, O+, C+, N+, Si+
A Blue-white 7500-10000 H(strongest), Ca+, Mg+, Fe+
F White 6000-7500 H(weaker), Ca+, ionized metals
G Yellow-white 5000-6000 H(weaker), Ca+, ionized & neutral metal
K Orange 3850-5000 Ca+(strongest), neutral metals strong, H(weak)
M Red <3850 Strong neutral atoms, TiO

Based upon effective temperature, this star is probably G-class, yellow-white in color, with weaker hydrogen lines than F-class, and visible calcium ion lines in the spectrum.

Calculate luminosity#

Absolute luminosity
Recommended zero-point luminosity: \(L_0=3.0128\times 10^{28}\)
\(L=L_0\times 10^{\frac{-M}{2.512}}\)
\(L=3.0128\times 10^{28}\times 10^{\frac{-3.98}{2.512}}\)
\(L=7.84\times 10^{26}\;W\)

Luminosity compared to the Sun
Sun's Luminosity: \(L_s=3.828\times 10^{26}\)
Relative luminosity: \(L_r=\frac{L}{L_s}=\frac{7.84\times 10^{26}}{3.828\times 10^{26}}=2.05\)
This star is approximately 2 times the luminosity of the Sun

Lookup bolometric correction#

Bolometric correction for main sequence stars (Code, 1976)

An effective temperature of \(5534\;K\) and a \(B-V\) color index of \(0.72\) comes closest to \(5780\;K\) and \(0.63\), for a bolometric correction of \(BC=-0.07\).

Calculate radius#

Radius relative to the Sun Use the following equation, with values for effective temperature, bolometric correction, and parallax to calculate the log of the radius ratio to the sun.
\(\log \frac{R}{R_s}=7.474-2\log T-0.2(BC)-0.2m-\log \pi\)
\(\log \frac{R}{R_s}=7.474-2\log 5534-0.2(-0.07)-0.2m-\log 0.0181242\)
\(\log \frac{R}{R_s}=0.21\)
This star is approximately 1.6 times the radius of the Sun.

Absolute radius
\(R_s=6.957\times 10^8\) meters
\(R=10^{0.21}\times R_s=1.12\times 10^{9}\) meters

Calculate mass#

Mass-Luminosity Relation: \(L=M^{3.5}\)
This is star is approximately 1.2 times the mass of the Sun.

These are the final results:

property value obtained
B filter 8.41 measured
V filter 7.69 measured
parallax arcseconds 0.018124 measured
distance pc 55.17 calculated
color index 0.72 calculated
absolute magnitude 3.98 calculated
effective temperature 5534 calculated
spectral class G table
luminosity ratio to Sun 2.05 calculated
bolometric correction -0.07 table
radius ratio to Sun 1.61 calculated
mass ratio to Sun 1.23 calculated
This star fits approximately here on the HR Diagram
This star fits approximately here on the HR Diagram

Searching in SIMBAD, here is a star which closely matches these parameters.


Code, A. D., Bless, R. C., Davis, J., & Brown, R. H. (1976). Empirical effective temperatures and bolometric corrections for early-type stars. The Astrophysical Journal, 203, 417.